Tuesday, August 14, 2007

Yes, Gabby Jo is growing up. Jon had wanted to make this birthday a memorable one for Gabby and seeing that she loves horses he saw a chance. We rented "Tony" a handler pony, and she loved him, Tony that is. It was GREAT, Tony went in a large circle but the circle was inside a stable caging area so when Tony went around all the other horses came out, and you better believe it Gabby had named everyone one of them. All of Gabby's aqueitances where there, so a bunch of Jon's work friends and some church friends and a few family friends and james and his gang , so yes a rather large group, we had around 40 people so and 15 kids. Gabby shared the pony rides with everyone and was very kind to make sure everyone rode once before she rode again, floor Jon and me, but when it came to gifts she was very territorial of course what kid is'nt. It was a nice afternoon, we had hamburgers and hotdogs and a friend a mine made a great cake, very colorful and tall. But it was a GREAT day, I wish all the family could have been there and all our friend.

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